March 14, 2021 | Episode 4

Your Money Business

Managing your money like a business (00:45)

  • Good businesses establish defined goals and incremental finish lines (2:35)
  • You cannot hold someone else accountable for a goal you have not defined yourself (12:10)
  • Becoming successful financially and dealing with potential setbacks (18:45)

Establishing definable goals and gaining momentum in your personal finances (21:35)

  • Identifying the finish line, understanding what it takes for you to win financially, and examples of clearly defined goals (22:15)
  • Understanding your roadmap to financial success, recognizing what success looks like, and putting the pieces in place (28:10)
  • Breaking down the wealth gap in your life – where you are vs. where you want to be (33:45)
  • Overcoming the fear of making a financial mistake (38:35)

Leading and lagging indicators of success (47:00)

  • We need to stop measuring things we cannot change (47:50)
  • Questions to answer in order to establish your financial goals (49:20)
  • Your financial plan should address these key areas (53:00)